Others may build by the hundreds, but OPaL builds by the handfuls. Quantity is for those who measure value on a spreadsheet.
Quality is for those who measure it by a life well lived.

OPaL homes reflect a unique perspective for those who value their individuality, respect their environment and seek more meaning in life. They’re homes you yearn to return to each day and take comfort in waking up in. That’s the difference between living in a commodity and living in a community.
And it’s the difference OPaL is making one home—and one homeowner—at a time in the National Capital Area.


Named for our faithful canine companions of the past—Oliver, Parker and Lucy—OPaL is the measure of every home we build. It represents comfort, warmth and reliability. It conjures special moments of the day when everyone is home and safe and together. And it summons an innate feeling of security and cushioning from the coarseness of the outside world.